(English) Project idea: Collective, international 5BL report database

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What do you think about the idea of a collective, international 5BL report database?

The form to insert the reports would have the following dataI would suggest the following information / structure as a starting point. Of course this can be discussed and optimized:


  • Is it a personal case of youself or of one of your patients?
  • Gender (Male / Female)
  • Age

5BL specific

  • Handedness (RH/LH/Unknown)
  • Embryonic germ layer selection, Tissue selection (multiple selections possible, when multiple tissues are involved)

File Uploads

  • Doctor’s findings/letters, Images, … (anynomized)

For each language (e.g. english and your native language)

  • Optional: Additional used therapeutic methods (on top of the 5BL analysis and strategies based on this knowledge)
  • Diagnosis of classic medicine
  • Tags / Catchwords
  • Case description / report (in written form, audio record or video)

4 responses to “(English) Project idea: Collective, international 5BL report database”

  1. This is such a fabulous idea, Ingmar!! I’ve just had some sort of trauma, however – concussion/broken ribs – so I’m not sure I can participate within your time frame, however, I can try.

    • Ingmar says:

      Thanks for your quick reply, Andi! I am very sorry to hear about your trauma – I wish you a fast and good recovery!
      It’s no problem if your reports would come later – I just want to validate if it is worth the effort to start the project or if there are only a handful of persons who would participate., so that I would instead concentrate on other projects.

  2. Olga says:

    Id like to offer, to take a simle comment from a client for example – a picture before and After.
    The problems before and the result After the therapy. Its doesnt matter the type of Layers, first time. A just to do a simple Google form to fill it in

    • Ingmar says:

      Hi Olga,
      that sounds good. I will let you know when the archive starts. As I got only a few answers so far (probably because of this difficult situation worldwide), I will wait a few months and start a second try/call.
      Best wishes,

5 Biological Laws of Nature

German New Medicine, Germanic New Medicine, Dr. Hamer, 5BN, GNM, 5BL, 5 Natural Laws of Biology

On this page you will find an introductory video series on the New Medicine’s 5 Natural Laws of Biology (5BN), which are also known as German New Medicine (GNM).
The biological laws were discovered by Dr. med. Ryke Geerd Hamer.