(English) Report 2 – Predicting Epileptic Seizure

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Report 2 – Predicting Epileptic Seizure

With knowledge of the 5BN, one can predict unprecedented symptoms if one succeeds in identifying a corresponding symptom of the conflict-active phase at the psyche, brain, or organ level. Our practical example: The prediction of a single epileptic seizure.

5 Biological Laws of Nature

German New Medicine, Germanic New Medicine, Dr. Hamer, 5BN, GNM, 5BL, 5 Natural Laws of Biology

On this page you will find an introductory video series on the New Medicine’s 5 Natural Laws of Biology (5BN), which are also known as German New Medicine (GNM).
The biological laws were discovered by Dr. med. Ryke Geerd Hamer.